Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's been awhile

Dear diary, it's been 10 weeks since my last post.
To sum up, I gave the reboot fast another week, until I signed up for boot camp and promptly puked in front of a dozen housewives because there was no energy to be found in my body, and too much citrus in my stomach. so then I dedicated myself to the  couch to 5k program, and briefly found some progress there until maddy and her friend wendy started punking out. We did 5 weeks on, and now we are a month off. which sucks and now I am gaining weight again.

Also since that time I went to the movie opening in miami, saw clarence, then saw him again the day after a I did a marathon radio interview - and allegedly got back with him. That was 2 weeks ago. since then he's been shady as fuck. what a douche. but then, par for the course. I am typing up a managerial contract and will push it in his face with the gigs offered. we'll see what happens. he has a habit of signing everything.

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