Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 26

My cheating finally had a price. I weighed in yesterday and I had gained 1 pound 8 oz back.  That kinda sucked, so to make it worse, I ate 1/2 a sausage. I figured if I was gonna gain weight, I might as well eat some protein.

This morning, I was back on track, and I did a 5 mile walk with Maddy. After that I met up with Rich and gave him a price for a 2 month campaign for his mary Karlzen/Chickadee's kids record. I do hope they take me up, as I need the $$ for property tax and general living expenses.
I keep thinking I should write a letter to Clarence, with the opening of the film coming up. Part of me thinks he'll just use it as fuel for his self-loathing/everything is someone else's fault rampage, but another part of me wants to get it off my chest. And he does deserve an explanation about why I walked away last year- sort of.

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