Monday, March 5, 2012

its been a long, long, time

It's hard to say where to begin these last 4 months. I signed back with Clarence, did one show and got dirted out of almost 7 grand that I had in the bag thanks to his dumbshitness and a shitheel I've never met named Donald.

Today was supposed to be the day I got meaningful stuff done, but instead took a 3 hour + siesta and now I'm wired and terrified about the property taxes. yes. the aussie govt owes me 7 k. yes, I havent corresponded with the accountant in 2 years. I'm scared. this is not good and neither is postponing the inevitable. It's one of my worst traits, sinking under the sand to avoid bad news. I see Jade doing it on the regular and it can be heartbreaking.

I am due something good happening from my efforts. Perhaps today will find me calling the accountant and that aussie promoter and him saying nice things. I dunno.  One way to find out I suppose.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's been awhile

Dear diary, it's been 10 weeks since my last post.
To sum up, I gave the reboot fast another week, until I signed up for boot camp and promptly puked in front of a dozen housewives because there was no energy to be found in my body, and too much citrus in my stomach. so then I dedicated myself to the  couch to 5k program, and briefly found some progress there until maddy and her friend wendy started punking out. We did 5 weeks on, and now we are a month off. which sucks and now I am gaining weight again.

Also since that time I went to the movie opening in miami, saw clarence, then saw him again the day after a I did a marathon radio interview - and allegedly got back with him. That was 2 weeks ago. since then he's been shady as fuck. what a douche. but then, par for the course. I am typing up a managerial contract and will push it in his face with the gigs offered. we'll see what happens. he has a habit of signing everything.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 31

So here's the story morning glory. I lost the weight I gained back, plus a another pound or so - and then I caved Saturday night and had pollo ala brassa with fixins. It's been 12 years since chicken tasted so good - and then I was stuck in a hospital.

So now, I'm gonna modify the diet until it's mostly juice, with a hint of protein once a day. My body has been craving protein, and I've been deficient since I started the fast. The RDA is 55 grams, and I've been averaging 20-30 a day. That's not healthy. It's also not healthy to be fat, so I've upped the exercise. No more 2-3 times a week. I'm doing 4-5 times a week from here until the end of the 60 days. Yesterday I did the skinny bitch workout again, and it didn't kill me as bad, and I'm not nearly as sore as I was the day after last time. Tomorrow, I'm going to submit a week-pass to this ritzy gym next to publix. When that runs out, I'm going to use my groupon for 30 exercise classes - spread out over multiple gyms. I got that sucker for $20, a steal considering exercise classes at fancy gyms go for $12-$25 a pop. The most expensive being the cross fitness near the metrorail station. I'll do a few there as well. I may still be fat - but I remain the king of deals.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 26

My cheating finally had a price. I weighed in yesterday and I had gained 1 pound 8 oz back.  That kinda sucked, so to make it worse, I ate 1/2 a sausage. I figured if I was gonna gain weight, I might as well eat some protein.

This morning, I was back on track, and I did a 5 mile walk with Maddy. After that I met up with Rich and gave him a price for a 2 month campaign for his mary Karlzen/Chickadee's kids record. I do hope they take me up, as I need the $$ for property tax and general living expenses.
I keep thinking I should write a letter to Clarence, with the opening of the film coming up. Part of me thinks he'll just use it as fuel for his self-loathing/everything is someone else's fault rampage, but another part of me wants to get it off my chest. And he does deserve an explanation about why I walked away last year- sort of.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 25

I cheated yesterday and ate a fiber one bar (and nuts, prunes and hummus), so I did the "skinny bitch" workout dvd that Lai got at Borders' closeout. It has 4, 20 minute components: Legs, abs, arms, ass. As I can't really do the abs do to my hernia (or can I?) I did the legs and arms. I completed the arms workout and did about 2/3 of the legs. I am pretty damn sore this am.

Jade had a birthday party/sleepover Sunday night at her choker-turned-bff Melanie's house. Melanie's mom and her cool Argentine beaux thought it was hysterical than Melanie went from playground choker to host/bff in less than a week. It turns out that Melanie is the new kid, having moved from Key Largo recently. I turned down choripan, burgers, beer, cake and god knows what else. But then I caved at the movies with Lai and ate popcorn and drank maybe 12 oz of soda. Oh well. I still haven't eaten any meat or starch. If I do the ass and abs (what little I can do of it anyway) SBW today I should be straight for my walk on Wednesday with Maddy - if she doesn't bail again.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 23

Despite my handful of minor cheats and Maddy bailing out of friday's walk, last night at weigh in I was down 6 pounds for the 8 days, for a total of 12 measured, and probably 14-15 total as I started weighing in 2 days into it the fast. I also weighed in late at night, after all my juices - so there's that too.
While that's  far from ideal progress considering the austerity of the juice fast - it's progress nonetheless. By Friday I'll be below where I was last year after my manic breakdown and then the real work begins - getting as close to 200 as I can before the fast is over. If I could get to 195 that would be huge.

Lai and I are getting along again, which will help. I also discovered that the UM gym has dropped their prices, so perhaps on her next check we can join that fucker.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 20

When I wake up, it'll be 3 weeks without a meal. Of late, I've been doing what I'm calling "semi-cheats" - like eating a couple prunes, or tasting the spaghetti sauce. Today I ate 3 potato wedges I roasted. But seeing how all of that adds up to minimal calories, I can't see where it's wrecking my diet - especially since I only juiced 3 times yesterday and burned off about 400 calories walking.
Tomorrow I'm gonna walk 4 miles with Maddy and then do my weekly weigh in. And then I'll see if my rationalizing is setting me back. 20 days into juicing hell, I found myself going to all 4 grocery stores in South Miami searching for beets. From now on, I'll stick to Whole Foods aka "Whole paycheck." The loose beets are 1/2 of what they are at winn dixie, and while the bunches are a buck more than publix (who didn't have them today -starting my quest)- I inadvertently gamed the system by getting a bunch of beets and a loosey, and today they only charged me for the bunch. $1 saved! yee har.